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#16 stelios



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Публикувано 29 февруари 2008 - 18:24

Stelios, what do you think about one meeting on May 09 to 11 in Turkey, to watching a serial start on Formula 1?

Hello MBclub.bg!!! May it's to far....
We can organize a meeting on March or April, then we can talk about Turkey!
You have discuss the idea of Promahonas.. We have to agry about date!!! Some sunday i guess..
Tell you soon the opinion of MBclub.gr..
Greetings from Hellas!!!
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#17 p22



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Публикувано 29 февруари 2008 - 19:17

Hello Hellas!
This is good idea about a meeting of Promahonos. I think that some Sunday is fine. What about 5-6 April?
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#18 fiveq



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  • Град:Sofia,Bg.
  • Интереси:Обичам да карам, музиката (почти от всякакъв тип), хубавите парфюми,удоволствията в живота и мнооого други неща, просто ме питайте.

Публикувано 01 март 2008 - 09:24

Just pop in here to say Hello to a greek members Публикувано изображение Very good idea to meet both clubs somewhere in Greece, even can be in Seres maybe :rolleyes: ?
What you think 'bout it ?
I saw here on our http://www.snimka.bg..._id=22...oto=1  (snimka means picture,photo ) site , that our bg. colleagues from Alfa Romeo club Bg. has it already their meeting with the greek members of Alfa in Seres .. :dry: i'm anvy about that.

And generally, it would be very good to meet each other somewhere (and why not in Thessaloniki) near the sea to make nice pictures all together with the cars and members, so maybe on sunset and on the background of the both club cars with this shining sea water...ohhh i'm dreamin' :D

Stelios, You are from Thessaloniki. And You Fotis, where you come from ? Town ?

Nice to meet you guys, my name is Petia and i'm from Sofia (driving A-klasse 170 CDI,long base , 2004; and befor- for 7 years W 124 diesel). On my Avatar i'm sitting on a chair in "Athena Pallas Village" - Elia beach, Sithonia,Halkidiki :D

PS. We was there for New Eve for about 3 days - 2007/2008. It was very nice, i like it Nikiti & Neos Marmaras too, and saw Thessaloniki just around "kentro" ( Lagadas & Egnatia bul.) when we passing by with our other car (C-klasse W 203 - my hubby is Kocev,Martin)

Well, send regards to greek MB club for all of you and look forwards to meet thogether. :friends:

Petia Kotzeva (or Koceva-as you like)

PP.I speak german too.And write :tongue: , Kocev and Hektor too- Hektor is in Germany already and write from over there. Just to mention it. ;)
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#19 stelios



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Публикувано 02 март 2008 - 06:53

Hello MBclub.bg!! Hello friends!!!
Members of MBclub.gr are possitive to the meeting!!! What's your opinion about 23-2?? You see is a national feast on 25-2 and a lot of members who live in Athens can come for the weekend.
Nice idea Seres or Thessaloniki Petia, but everyone wants to cross the borders of his country!!!! On Wednesday we gonna discuss this, about the place....Did you decision about it?
We want to come Bulgary and you want come Hellas!!!
Finally Promahonas i think is the perfect place...
See you soon!!!
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#20 kocev



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Публикувано 02 март 2008 - 11:31

Hi, Stelios! Did you mean March 23th? It's Sunday after 3 weeks. For me it's a good date, but let's see what the other members of our club will say. Greetings from Sofia!
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#21 stelios



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Публикувано 03 март 2008 - 17:38

Hi, Stelios! Did you mean March 23th? It's Sunday after 3 weeks. For me it's a good date, but let's see what the other members of our club will say. Greetings from Sofia!

Hi "kocev"! Yes i mean 23-3 (March).. But let's see and the opinion of 2 clubs... Can i come alone for a weekend to Sofia? Just for have first meeting and discuss the date? I visit Sofia but i do it when i was a child... Can you give me information for a good hotel?? How often make meetings the members of club.bg? Have you known "w123mania"?
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#22 kocev



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Публикувано 03 март 2008 - 18:10

Hi Stelios! We will be very glad to see you in Sofia. We make our meetings every wednesday, and also every first saturday and last sunday of the month. But if you want to come for a weekend, just say when you plan to come, and I think it will be no problem to make an extra meeting. We will find you some good hotel too. W123mania - I know him only with his posts in the forum, but I have not met him, he has not come at our meetings. Hopefully when you come, he will come too. Have a nice day and tell us when it is possible for you to come. Bye.
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#23 stelios



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Публикувано 03 март 2008 - 18:26

Ok Kocev!!! Thank you!! I'll tell you soon!
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#24 stelios



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Публикувано 18 март 2008 - 16:45

Ok Kocev!!! Thank you!! I'll tell you soon!

Hello Kocev! Hello MBclub.bg!!
I'll come to Sofia on Saturday 22-3!! I think that it will be a nice weekend!! Hope to meet few members of your club! Can we have meeting on Saturday evening?? Please tell me about the routes of your country an how many klm (or time) is the distance Promahonas-Sofia!
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#25 House M.D.

House M.D.


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Публикувано 18 март 2008 - 17:13

Hello Kocev! Hello MBclub.bg!!
I'll come to Sofia on Saturday 22-3!! I think that it will be a nice weekend!! Hope to meet few members of your club! Can we have meeting on Saturday evening?? Please tell me about the routes of your country an how many klm (or time) is the distance Promahonas-Sofia!

Hello Stelios,
the distance Promahonas-Sofia is about 200klm. and this is about 3 hours :icon_coolgrin:
This date 22/3 is good , but many from us are booked with another meeting out of Sofia!
I'm here, because I've many work.
Kocev, do you want to make a meeting with Stelios in some bar(may be in St.city ?
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#26 kocev



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Публикувано 18 март 2008 - 23:23

Hi Stelios! I'm very glad to hear that you'll come to Sofia this weekend. As k79 has mentioned however, there's another meeting outside of Sofia, in which many members of our forum will take part. I and my wife (fiveq) are in Sofia and can come. W140 and k79 maybe will come too. There is a posting in the bulgarian section of the forum, to tell the people about your visit in Sofia, and to see how many people will come. The meeting will be in the centre of Sofia - the Alexander Nevski cathedral. At the same place we make our regular weekend meetings. But please, just tell me at what time you think you can come here. I'll wait your answer. Bye for now.
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#27 stelios



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Публикувано 19 март 2008 - 18:29

Hi Stelios! I'm very glad to hear that you'll come to Sofia this weekend. As k79 has mentioned however, there's another meeting outside of Sofia, in which many members of our forum will take part. I and my wife (fiveq) are in Sofia and can come. W140 and k79 maybe will come too. There is a posting in the bulgarian section of the forum, to tell the people about your visit in Sofia, and to see how many people will come. The meeting will be in the centre of Sofia - the Alexander Nevski cathedral. At the same place we make our regular weekend meetings. But please, just tell me at what time you think you can come here. I'll wait your answer. Bye for now.

Hello kocev, k79, w140!! I can either come on 24/25-3 for 2 days (come monday at 16:00, leave tuesday at 18:00)!! If members of MBclub.bg can be in Sofia!!? If there is no problem with your work!? I'm talking with w123mania, i'll tell him to post about the subject..
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#28 w123mania



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Публикувано 19 март 2008 - 21:36

Hello kocev, k79, w140!! I can either come on 24/25-3 for 2 days (come monday at 16:00, leave tuesday at 18:00)!! If members of MBclub.bg can be in Sofia!!? If there is no problem with your work!? I'm talking with w123mania, i'll tell him to post about the subject..

zdraveite kocev,k79,w140 i ostanalite 4lenove na klybat!govorix s stelios i toi mi kaza tse ste moze da doide v sofia na 24\25-3.stava vapros da napravime edna perva ''malka'' sresta da se zapoznaem tyka v sofia niakade!ste e stelios i az ot nasato klub!koi ste moze da doide..da se organizirate i da mi dadete edin telefon ot niakoi ot vas za da se razberem!izvinete mi 4e ne vi pisa na kirilitsa..no tova kredor koeto polzvax predi..vetse ne raboti! :unsure:
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4len na gre4ko Mercedes Benz Club---member of Hellenic Mercedes Benz Club
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#29 W140



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Публикувано 19 март 2008 - 22:22

здрасти w123mania
добре сте ни дошли!
кажете само някакъв час, да може ние тук да се организираме, за място не се притеснявайте!
:flagMB new:
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=> W140 <=
"Jeder Tag ist ein neuer Anfang, jede Nacht eine neue Versuchung."
Галерия W140
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#30 W140



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    Двуколка '87

Публикувано 23 март 2008 - 02:14

zdraveite kocev,k79,w140 i ostanalite 4lenove na klybat!govorix s stelios i toi mi kaza tse ste moze da doide v sofia na 24\25-3.stava vapros da napravime edna perva ''malka'' sresta da se zapoznaem tyka v sofia niakade!ste e stelios i az ot nasato klub!koi ste moze da doide..da se organizirate i da mi dadete edin telefon ot niakoi ot vas za da se razberem!izvinete mi 4e ne vi pisa na kirilitsa..no tova kredor koeto polzvax predi..vetse ne raboti! :unsure:

здрасти W123mania, ето и моя телефон да имаш +359 888 46 34 66, обади се да се разберем
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=> W140 <=
"Jeder Tag ist ein neuer Anfang, jede Nacht eine neue Versuchung."
Галерия W140
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