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TRASCO 1000 SELебаси Мерцедес-а

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9 мнения по тази тема

#1 mad_butcher



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Публикувано 14 март 2006 - 23:49

Не знам дали някога е обсъждана тая колица, обаче аз като я видях и просто онемях.

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Ето цялата директория със снимките:
MERCEDES W126 TRASCO 1000 SEL :ph34r:
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гр. София
Mercedes W124 200E
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#2 mad_butcher



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Публикувано 15 март 2006 - 00:15

Някой знае ли нещо повече за двигателя на този звяр, защото това 1000 SEL звучи доста окуражаващо?
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гр. София
Mercedes W124 200E
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Публикувано 15 март 2006 - 09:01

Само това инфо успях да намеря и то е на френски :D Нека някой го преведе:
La Trasco 1000 SEL est née en 1987. Sur la base des Classes S contemporaines, leurs empattements s'étiraient de 3,37 à 4,15 mètres, contre 3,07 pour les SEL ! Ceci afin de porter la version la plus longue à plus de 6,28 mètres avec bien sûr un luxe inouï à son bord...

Trasco version courte 1000 SEL (désolé pour la qualité !)

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#4 Fitibaldi



  • Потребители на форума
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  • Град:София
  • Интереси:Мерцедес, спорт, +#$%*****
  • Автомобил:
    Mercedes-Benz W124 Е300Т Diesel 1995

Публикувано 15 март 2006 - 14:37


Trasco 1000 SEL 15"

The Trasco 1000 SEL limousine is built from a W 126 500 SEL or a 560 SEL platform. The original chassis was stretched by 15 inches for more legroom at the rear compartment. There are options to lengthen the wheelbase to up to 42 inches as a 1000 SEL 42".

On the right is a very rare, fine sample of Trasco 1000 SEL found in an open area near the old airport. These photos are the closest snaps I could get. I was lucky to be able to take the shots in less than 20 seconds, before an unfriendly guard asked me not to take photos inside the parking lot where he claimed the area as "private property".

Bottom: two scans from a Trasco 1000 SEL limousine advertisement in Hong Kong back in November 1989. You can see the comparison with the same model above.

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#5 KoZmo



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  • Интереси:Mercedes-Benz |Y|
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    2001' MB W210 - E 220 CDI

Публикувано 15 март 2006 - 19:12

Може да прозвуча тъпо ама не разбрах тоя звер с какъв мотор е, 5600 ссм или 10000 :blink:
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#6 mad_butcher



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Публикувано 15 март 2006 - 20:09

Еми то май никъде не се разбира какъв му е мотора. Аз за това питах дали някой не знае подробности, но нещо явно няма достатъчно информация за този автомобил в интернет.
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гр. София
Mercedes W124 200E
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#7 sky



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  • Град:София;Казанлък
  • Автомобил:
    190E 2.3

Публикувано 15 март 2006 - 21:52

:P Радост за учите
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#8 Fitibaldi



  • Потребители на форума
  • 248 Мнения:
  • Пол:Мъж
  • Град:София
  • Интереси:Мерцедес, спорт, +#$%*****
  • Автомобил:
    Mercedes-Benz W124 Е300Т Diesel 1995

Публикувано 16 март 2006 - 09:07

аз доколкото разбрах е 5000 или 5600, защото е на базата на 500 SEL или 560 SEL
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Публикувано 18 март 2006 - 15:16

The "1000SEL"
Surfing the web looking for "1000SEL" I find the weirdest things and wildest stories. According to some the 1000SEL was fitted with 10 Litre engine. Some say it was an lengthened S-class stretched a 1000mm. Could it be a limousine that would be made on special order by Mercedes themselves? I'm sorry, some came close, but here's the truth.

The 1000SEL wasn't a Mercedes you could order at your regular Mercedes dealership. The 1000SEL cars were made by coachbuilding and tuning companies like Chameleon, Styling Garage and Trasco. German tuner Gemballa even has made a 1001SEL and GFG used the 5000GFG name. How creative!
In case of an tuned SEC the name would of course be 1000SEC and that's where the name of this website comes from.

So what did you get when you ordered your own 1000SEL? Well, a 1000SEL could be anything. 1000SEL was just a badge and the contents were defined by the wishes of the customer. Those contents could vary a lot. I've seen the most extravagant creations but also I've seen cars with just the 1000SEL badge and that's it. So really, the badge doesn't say anything, but it does raise expectations!

A real 1000SEL Mercedes has a new interior. This interior should at least have a new upholstery, most likely in leather and preferably in white, creme or red. A mid console that runs through the whole car is also very �important�. This console was in most cases made of high-class wood and fitted with all kinds of compartments to store your personal belongings. A champagne cooler and a TV for the passengers must be included. High-end over-the-top HiFi-Stereo by Clarion or Pioneer were no exception.

The exterior of the 1000SEL could include many extras and options. More chrome, gold instead of chrome, paint instead of gold, new rims, bumpers, spoilers and a
boomerang- antenna . All were options. In fact the badge "1000SEL" meant that anything was possible as long as you paid the bill.
One of the options offered by companies like ITS, Kugok and SGS was the so-called 600-nose. This new bonnet incorporated the style of the 600 Mercedes of the 1960's. The chrome parts could be sprayed in the car's colour, could be gold-plated (e.i. Kugok, SGS) or sprayed in a completely different colour (SGS).

So there you have it, the 1000SEL was nothing more but sure nothing less than a superlative luxury vehicle, something the Mercedes-Benz factory wasn't able to make. It took another 20 years for them to invent the Maybachâ?¦

Думите са малко за това чудовище!!!!
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Публикувано 18 март 2006 - 17:51

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